Do you go straight for the running machine when you head to the gym? It might be time to reconsider your first stop. It feels like we hear the phrases “lifting weights will make me big” or “that section of the gym is only for men” far too often, because venturing into the weights section of the gym will be the best decision you ever make.
1. You’ll Get Leaner, Not Bigger
Muscle takes up less space than fat because it is a lot denser, so you’re not about to get massive from weights, you’re actually more likely to get leaner. Not only will you lose fat because you’re burning calories, turning that fat into muscle will give you a slim, toned look.
2. You Can Do More
Strength training can be one of the most empowering things you do. Think about how strong you could get? Whether you want to move your furniture around, or just show off in the gym (because honestly, who wouldn’t!) then lifting weights can really help you.
3. Muscle Burns More Calories than Fat
It’s not a massive difference, but your muscles are always working, even if all you do is walk to work and back. This means you’re always using them to burn a few calories, and if you’ve just worked out then your muscles keep working for a little while afterwards.
4. You Won’t Get Injured
Weight training is one of the best ways to help your bones get stronger, and could even help with osteoporosis. Not only do your bones get stronger, your ligaments and tendons do as well, helping your body to stop in top condition. This means you’re far less likely to get stuck with an injury while working out.
5. It Makes Your Workouts More Interesting
Spending 30 minutes on the treadmill every time you go to the gym can get a little bit exhausting after a while. If you need something to switch up your routine and make things a little bit more interesting, lifting weights can keep you excited to work out.
5 Reasons To Start Lifting Weights
Reviewed by Barbera Beau
November 07, 2018
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